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3 Ways To Attract Visitors To Your Website For Free

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  1. 3 Ways To Attract Visitors To Your Website For Free Download
  2. 3 Ways To Attract Visitors To Your Website For Freelancers
  3. 3 Ways To Attract Visitors To Your Website For Free Shipping

A frequently asked question is 'How do I attract more visitors to my website?' This is typically asked when a client is frustrated at the lack of business that their website has brought them.

Often times, there isn't anything wrong with the website itself, however, it just sits on the internet ignored. While doable, taking your websites from zero to a few hundred or thousand visits a month takes hard work and dedication. But before doing so you must recognize the harsh truth about the Internet- The online world is all about attention. However, if you want people to pay attention to you, you must first earn it.

Most times people assume their work will speak for itself, but that's not always the case. You must accept that marketing will always be a part of your job. While attracting visitors can be hard work, it can also be fun when you apply creativity, which can also make your marketing more effective. The following is a list of ways you can attract customers with creativity:

Start an amazing blog- Notice the keyword 'amazing'. Your blog shouldn't be something you update from time to time, such as when you gain a new clients or try to sell something new. Your blog should include information that grabs your target audience's attention with valuable, useful or entertain material.

Spend time with your support personnel so that you know what kinds of problems customers are having; use that information to retool how you sell and market your product. To attract new customers, you must build a reputation for being aware of the latest and greatest so customers don't have to worry if they are missing out by not going. 6 Ways to Attract Visitors to Your Website: Here are 6 of the best ways to attract visitors to a website online that you can make part of your daily or weekly routine. Look at ways you can update outdated content on your site to drive more traffic through visibility on search engines like Google. #10 - Create A Free Online Course Creating a free course is a. 3 Ways to Attract Visitors to Your Website For Free Scott Clugston. Scott is the Director of Sales at FreshBooks, the Cloud Accounting solution helping 5 million users invoice their clients with ease.

Offer free material- If no one's ever heard of you, chances are they aren't going to pay for your work without reference. So if you have things that you can offer such as a free e-book, a bestselling track, a design template or videos that anyone can imbed it their own site. Be sure this information or material you giving away is valuable, because if not who's going to boast about it? You want people to talk about your products or services to take things further.

Barrow an audience. Why build an audience from scratch when you can borrow someone else's to help spread the word. No, this isn't unethical, in fact people usually appreciated that you admire them that much to ask.

You could write high-quality guest posts on popular blogs about your niche is a very effective way to get to people who'd like to reach out to. Your payment back from the company would be a link back to your site.

Get your content everywhere. If you're determined to get more visitors, you have to go out and find them. Social networks aren't just for networking, they're also an ideal place to post your content for all to see. You can use Facebook, Google+ and Twitter to post links to your content, such as blog posts, videos, free reports and so on.

Also, be sure to be generous and share other people's content than your own. Not only will this help others, but it will also put you in the position as a neat source of cool things that people will wants to follow.

Keep in mind that none of these methods are a quick fix. They all require time, dedication and consistency. Good news is that these are all ways that will benefit your business. All of the efforts mentioned above will help you become known and attract new visitors every time your work on your marketing.

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In our previous blog post, we discussed the steps to take when designing and launching your new website. But, now that you've so worked hard designing that attractive website, how do you go about actually driving traffic to it?


Your website won't help your business grow if no one sees it. Even the most professionally designed website can end up idle if you don't take the necessary measures to bring people to it.

Here are five steps for attracting visitors to your newly launched website that you can start doing today:

There are many ways to optimize your site for SEO. For example, using relevant page titles will help search engines make your content appear in the SERPs for relevant searches (which you can read more about in our next blog post, so stay tuned).

Using the right keywords across your website and blog content is also a popular SEO tactic. Ensuring that your content includes the keywords and search phrases your target audience is looking for will help your site rank higher in SERPs.


Believe it or not, testimonials have a lot of SEO power, and can help you rank higher in the SERPs, too. The Spectoos testimonial widget is a great tool that you can easily incorporate into your website, and it also comes with a dedicated SEO mini-site featuring all of your testimonials.

The mini site is specifically designed with SEO in mind, so having it can help you display your testimonials and rank higher in SERPs, simultaneously.

Maintain an active blog

In addition to being a platform on which you can show your mastery in your field, your blog is a place where you can continuously offer your target audience free content they'll find engaging, entertaining or educational (preferably a mix of the three). The content your site visitors will most appreciate is that which addresses a question, problem, or need they have.

You'll have an easier time getting a blog started by doing the following:

  • Create an editorial calendar.

Decide how often you'll create content for your blog, and schedule your time in a way that will make it easy to meet your new blogging commitment. Aim to publish at least one new blog post per week.

  • Create a list of topics.

Come up with a list of at least ten blog post ideas that you'll be able to turn to when it comes time for writing. Take your buyer personas into consideration as you create the list, and think of topics that are relevant to their goals and challenges. If you need inspiration, check out what your competitors are doing on their blogs. Industry news can also provide material to blog about.

  • Use compelling headlines.

The title of your blog post is the first thing readers see. This is your chance to grab them, so make your titles interesting enough that they'll want to continue reading.

Incorporate social sharing options on your site and blog

3 Ways To Attract Visitors To Your Website For Free Download

Make it easy for your visitors to share the content that they find interesting or useful on their own social networks. This way, you can easily expand your reach.

Include social sharing options for the networks your target audience uses most, such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Depending on the type of content you're sharing, other options might include YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and even Snapchat, which is being increasingly adopted by businesses to target younger consumers.

Check out the social sharing options that Search Engine Journal uses:

Not only do readers see the sharing buttons, they can also see how many shares on each social network have already been done. Plus, the sharing options are seen and easily accessible even as readers make their way down the article.

3 Ways To Attract Visitors To Your Website For Freelancers

3 ways to attract visitors to your website for free shipping
3 ways to attract visitors to your website for free robux

Your website won't help your business grow if no one sees it. Even the most professionally designed website can end up idle if you don't take the necessary measures to bring people to it.

Here are five steps for attracting visitors to your newly launched website that you can start doing today:

There are many ways to optimize your site for SEO. For example, using relevant page titles will help search engines make your content appear in the SERPs for relevant searches (which you can read more about in our next blog post, so stay tuned).

Using the right keywords across your website and blog content is also a popular SEO tactic. Ensuring that your content includes the keywords and search phrases your target audience is looking for will help your site rank higher in SERPs.

Believe it or not, testimonials have a lot of SEO power, and can help you rank higher in the SERPs, too. The Spectoos testimonial widget is a great tool that you can easily incorporate into your website, and it also comes with a dedicated SEO mini-site featuring all of your testimonials.

The mini site is specifically designed with SEO in mind, so having it can help you display your testimonials and rank higher in SERPs, simultaneously.

Maintain an active blog

In addition to being a platform on which you can show your mastery in your field, your blog is a place where you can continuously offer your target audience free content they'll find engaging, entertaining or educational (preferably a mix of the three). The content your site visitors will most appreciate is that which addresses a question, problem, or need they have.

You'll have an easier time getting a blog started by doing the following:

  • Create an editorial calendar.

Decide how often you'll create content for your blog, and schedule your time in a way that will make it easy to meet your new blogging commitment. Aim to publish at least one new blog post per week.

  • Create a list of topics.

Come up with a list of at least ten blog post ideas that you'll be able to turn to when it comes time for writing. Take your buyer personas into consideration as you create the list, and think of topics that are relevant to their goals and challenges. If you need inspiration, check out what your competitors are doing on their blogs. Industry news can also provide material to blog about.

  • Use compelling headlines.

The title of your blog post is the first thing readers see. This is your chance to grab them, so make your titles interesting enough that they'll want to continue reading.

Incorporate social sharing options on your site and blog

3 Ways To Attract Visitors To Your Website For Free Download

Make it easy for your visitors to share the content that they find interesting or useful on their own social networks. This way, you can easily expand your reach.

Include social sharing options for the networks your target audience uses most, such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Depending on the type of content you're sharing, other options might include YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and even Snapchat, which is being increasingly adopted by businesses to target younger consumers.

Check out the social sharing options that Search Engine Journal uses:

Not only do readers see the sharing buttons, they can also see how many shares on each social network have already been done. Plus, the sharing options are seen and easily accessible even as readers make their way down the article.

3 Ways To Attract Visitors To Your Website For Freelancers

In addition to giving your site visitors an easy way to share your content, you should also make it a priority to share every new piece of content you create, yourself, (along with other regular updates) on the social networks your target audience is using.

Content is the name of the game in today's online marketing landscape. Content offers such as eBooks, webinars, checklists, templates and infographics can also go a long way toward helping you attract new visitors to your website. Here is how you can use these types of content offers to drive traffic to your website:

  • Create a content offer that is geared towards solving one of the pain points, problems or challenges of your ideal buyer persona.
  • Create a landing page that briefly describes the content offer, and include a form for interested people to fill out in order to access it. Share a link to the landing page on social media.
  • Include social sharing options from within the content offer and also on the landing page so people who enjoyed the content can easily share it within their network, which will drive even more potential leads in your direction.

Cole's Classroom is a great example of a small business using content offer and landing page, as you can see in the example, below, where they promote a webinar on Facebook to drive traffic and generate leads:

Connect with influencers in your industry

Influencers in your industry can quickly become a key component to helping your business grow. They already have a great reputation in your industry and a huge following of people who trust their opinions. If you can spark up the right relationship with them, it can instantly give you access to a huge potential client base.

Here are three ways you can connect with influencers to help attract new visitors to your site:

1. Guest posting.

Connect with influencers in your industry and offer a guest post for them to publish on their blog with a link back to your site. In addition to driving new traffic your way, this will get you in front of their large audience while also helping solidify your position as a thought leader.

2. Engage with influencers on social media.

You can establish a relationship with influencers while also building exposure for your own site by engaging with them publicly via social media. Sharing influencer updates or posting responses to them are effective ways to engage with them on social media.

3. Offer your product for free in exchange for a review.

An influencer's fan base is likely to get interested in whatever products or services they promote on their blog. If you can get an industry influencer to try out your product in exchange for a review on their blog and social media channels, this will go a long way toward getting new potential clients to your site.

3 Ways To Attract Visitors To Your Website For Free Shipping

Follow these 5 tips, and you will surely see a nice increase in traffic to your site and a boost in the number of leads. The easiest way for you to get started is by using your testimonials to their fullest potential. Sign up for Spectoos, today, to get improve your search rankings and drive more traffic to your website.

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